Application Security
Infrastructure Security
Cloud Security
Passeca Company provides comprehensive security solutions that safeguard your entire digital ecosystem. From application security to cloud protection and infrastructure defense, our integrated approach ensures that every layer of your business is secure. With our solutions, your business is empowered to operate safely and efficiently in today’s ever-evolving threat landscape.
Why Application Security matters
Application Vulnerabilities Cause Major Data Breaches
According to recent studies, 43% of data breaches are linked to vulnerabilities in web applications.
Open Source Software Risks
96% of applications use open-source components, and vulnerabilities in these components are a leading cause of data breaches. Failing to patch known vulnerabilities in third-party libraries exposes applications to attacks.
Broken Access Control
Broken access control ranks as the top application security risk according to the OWASP Top 10, contributing to approximately 40% of application-related breaches. This occurs when unauthorized users gain access to sensitive data or functionality.
Insecure APIs
API security issues have been a growing concern, with 83% of internet traffic passing through APIs in 2022. Poorly secured or misconfigured APIs have contributed to more than 30% of data breaches involving application security.
Unpatched Software and Vulnerabilities
Failing to patch known vulnerabilities in applications and software contributes to about 60% of data breaches. Attackers often exploit these gaps using automated tools, gaining unauthorized access.
Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
Zero-day vulnerabilities—undiscovered and unpatched flaws in applications—have seen a rise in exploitation. In 2021, zero-day attacks doubled, with 57% of organizations suffering from attacks exploiting these unknown weaknesses.
Business Impact of Application Breaches
The average cost of an application-related data breach in 2022 was $4.35 million, a figure that includes regulatory fines, incident response costs, and reputational damage. Application security incidents can have a lasting financial impact on businesses.
Application Security
  • Application Penetration Testing (APT)

    Our Application Penetration Testing (APT) service offers targeted testing to uncover vulnerabilities in your applications. We simulate sophisticated attacks to evaluate the resilience of your applications against real-world threats. This thorough examination helps identify security weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers, allowing you to address them proactively. By ensuring your applications can withstand advanced attacks, we help protect your sensitive data and maintain the integrity of your software products.

    Discover our approach
  • Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC)
    Integrate security into every phase of your software development process with our Application security service. We provide guidance and best practices to ensure that security considerations are embedded from the initial design through to deployment and maintenance. This proactive approach helps create secure software products that are resilient to attacks, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities and enhancing the overall quality and security of your applications.
  • Threat Modeling
    Threat Modeling is a proactive security service offered by Passeca Company that identifies, analyzes, and mitigates potential threats to your applications, systems, and infrastructure in the early stages of SDLC. By anticipating vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, we help you design more secure systems from the ground up. Our approach includes identifying attack vectors, assessing risks, and implementing security controls, ensuring your business is protected from emerging threats and compliance risks. This service empowers you to build resilient, secure solutions while minimizing costly security gaps.
Why Cloud Security matters
Number 1 Risk
Business risk for 2023 was cyber incidents.
36% direct attacks through cloud services
Data Breaches
The leading cloud security risk is data breaches, often caused by misconfigured cloud settings. A 2022 report found that nearly 45% of cloud data breaches resulted from misconfigurations, such as exposing storage buckets to the public.
Misconfigured cloud services account for nearly 70% of cloud security incidents. Common errors include unsecured APIs and default settings that leave sensitive data vulnerable.
Insider Threats
Insider threats (malicious or unintentional) are responsible for about 30% of cloud security incidents. Employees with excessive access or poor cloud security practices increase the risk of breaches.
Account Hijacking
Unauthorized access and account hijacking remain significant risks, with 29% of companies experiencing cloud account compromises due to weak or stolen credentials, phishing, or lack of multi-factor authentication (MFA).
Lack of Visibility
94% of organizations express concerns about the lack of visibility into their cloud environments. Inadequate monitoring and security controls can lead to delayed detection of incidents, making cloud breaches more damaging.
Shared Responsibility Model
Many organizations misunderstand the shared responsibility model, assuming cloud providers handle all security aspects. In reality, providers secure the infrastructure, while customers are responsible for securing data, applications, and configurations.
Cloud Security
  • Security testing in the Cloud
    Penetration testing in AWS presents distinct challenges, requiring attention to unique security factors. While Amazon’s security measures address some vulnerabilities, the complexity of AWS services leaves many organizations exposed. One of AWS’s greatest strengths is its vast flexibility in configuring environments. However, this flexibility can also pose significant security risks.
    Passeca’s AWS penetration testing services are specifically designed to address these concerns, identifying configuration and implementation flaws that are often overlooked.
  • DDoS and Bot Protection
    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are a growing threat to cloud environments. These attacks aim to disrupt cloud services and affect availability. In Q4 2023 CloudFlare observed a 117% year-over-year increase in network-layer DDoS attacks, and overall increased DDoS activity targeting retail, shipment, and public relations websites during and around Black Friday and the holiday season.
    Passeca can offer you expertise in the mitigation of sophisticated DDoS attacks and advanced protection services to safeguard your online assets from disruptive Distributed Denial of Service attacks and malicious bot activity.

Top Risks for Infrastructure Security
Ransomware Targeting Critical Infrastructure
Business risk for 2023 was cyber incidents.
Supply Chain Attacks
Supply chain attacks, where attackers target vulnerabilities in third-party infrastructure providers. These attacks exploit trust relationships between organizations and vendors to compromise entire systems. In 2024, approximately 183 thousand customers were affected by supply chain cyberattacks worldwide
IoT Infrastructure Vulnerabilities
The rise of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in critical infrastructure increases risk, with 57% of IoT devices vulnerable to medium- or high-severity attacks due to weak security measures, lack of encryption, or default credentials.
Credential Theft
Infrastructure systems are highly susceptible to credential theft, especially for admin accounts. In over 60% of infrastructure attacks, compromised credentials played a role in gaining unauthorized access to sensitive systems.
Unpatched Systems
60% of breach victims said they were breached due to an unpatched known vulnerability where the patch was not applied. An even higher percentage (62%) claimed they were not aware of their organization's vulnerabilities before a breach.
Misconfigured Infrastructure
Misconfigurations in networks, servers, and infrastructure are responsible for over 60% of security incidents. Incorrect settings or exposed services can leave critical systems vulnerable to attack.
Infrastructure Security
  • Vulnerability Assessments
    Our Vulnerability Assessment service involves systematic examinations of your network and systems to detect security weaknesses. We use advanced scanning tools and techniques to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors. After identifying these weaknesses, we provide detailed reports and recommend mitigation strategies to enhance your security posture. Regular vulnerability assessments help you stay ahead of emerging threats and protect your critical assets.
  • Managed Firewall
    Our Managed Firewall service offers robust protection against external threats with minimal effort on your part. We handle the configuration, monitoring, and maintenance of your firewall, ensuring it is always up-to-date and optimized for your specific needs. This service provides a critical barrier that defends against unauthorized access and malicious activity, while also enabling secure connections for your legitimate traffic. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your network perimeter is safeguarded by industry-leading firewall technology.
  • Endpoint Security
    Protect every device in your network with our comprehensive Endpoint Security service. We deploy cutting-edge solutions that defend against malware, ransomware, and other endpoint-specific threats. Our service includes regular updates, real-time monitoring, and incident response to ensure that your endpoints remain secure at all times. By safeguarding laptops, desktops, and mobile devices, we help maintain the integrity of your entire IT environment. Rely on us to provide robust, scalable endpoint protection that grows with your business.
Do you need Penetration Testing for your application, an Assessment of your infrastructure’s security posture, or expert support to strengthen your Cyber Security?
Contact us today to get highly qualified expertise to establish robust security!
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